Monday, July 27, 2015

Meeting with Speaker of Tibetan Parliament in Exile

At the invitation of Dr. Yang Jianli, founder and president of "Citizen Power for China", a human rights organization, on July 24, 2015, members of "Chinese Alliance for Democracy", NYC Chapter, attended a meeting in Washington DC with Mr. Penpa Tsering, speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile, and gained first hand knowledge about the democratic political system that the exiling Tibetans established in India.

Dr. Yang Jianli hosted the meeting and introduced to people attending the meeting about Mr. Penpa Tsering, who announced at the meeting that he will run for the position of prime minister of the exiling Tibetan government in August 2015.

Members of "Chinese Alliance for Democracy" expressed their interest in getting to know more about the experiment of a democratic political system by the exiling Tibetans, and wished that they could have more opportunities to interact with the Tibetans about the issue.

Those members of "Chinese Alliance for Democracy" attending today's meeting include: Liu Jingnan, Jin Lianhua, and Piao Yingmei.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Free Human Rights Lawyers

"Chinese Alliance for Democracy", a pro-democracy organization based in America, hosted a forum at its NYC Chapter office in Flushing, New York on July 14, 2015. CAD Chairman for the NYC Chapter Xue Wei hosted the forum and gave an important speech at the meeting.

On July 10, 2015, there was a concerted campaign throughout China in which more than 200 human rights lawyers and activists were detained or arrested. It is a part of the Chinese government's effort to crack down on civil rights movement, which has been rising and posing a threat to the Communist Chinese government's dictatorship rule in China.

At the forum, Xue Wei condemned the Chinese government for its crackdown of human rights lawyers and NGO organizations in China and demanded the Chinese government to immediately release all those lawyers detained or arrested in July 2015.

In fact, immediately after this new round of arrests in China, the U.S. Department of State released a statement on its website protesting Chinese government's crackdown. However, the Chinese government responded that the statement of the U.S. government was just hostile noises and can be ignored just like a gum stuck to the shoe bottom.

Members of the CAD, NYC Chapter gave speeches at the forum in protest of Chinese government's arrest of human rights lawyers, demanding their immediate release.

After the meeting, CAD members went to the Chinese Consulate in Manhattan, New York and held a protest, demanding the Chinese government to have all the human rights lawyers released immediately.

CAD members attending today's event include: Shen Xuehua, Jin Hualin, Piao Yingmei, Piao Chunzi, Wei Jian, Xu Zhejun, Huang Donghui, Huang Jinghua, Zhao Chunping, Jiang Jiongri, Li Renshun, Liu Jingnan, Ren Chengguang.
Xu Zhejun and Huang Jinghua gave speeches at the protest.